My First Memory My Favorite Toy

Dimension item: 7,5 x 7,5 x 2 cm
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Memory The world famous game that never gets boring.
Concentration is essential for the exciting search for matching cards
memory required. Who will be the first to know where the 2 matching cards are located?
The little ones often easily beat adults! This memory with images from My First memory, my favorite toy, is suitable for children from 2 years old.
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Itemcode: 2142214
Dimension item: 7,5 x 7,5 x 2 cm
Dimension package: 19 x 19 x 4 cm
Suitable for: From 2 years
EAN code: 4005556208777
Price in euros: Excl. VAT and excl. shipping costs
Maximum number of players: 4
Colour: Multi colors
Minimum number of players: 2
Brand: Ravensburger
Game duration: 10-15 minutes
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