Tomy Grandma Cookie Game

Dimension package: 28 x 27 x 12 cm
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Do you dare to grab the cookie without waking Grandma?! Grandma loves cookies and doesn't want to share them with anyone. So when Grandma falls asleep, she holds the bowl of cookies tightly in her lap - what a greedy Grandma! This is your chance to grab the cookies from grandma's bowl. Take turns turning the wheel and taking a cookie of each type from grandma's tray as carefully and quietly as possible. Then you must press the button as many times as indicated on the dial. But be careful, because one wrong move will wake her up and send her teeth flying! All your cookies must then be returned to the tray immediately! The first person to collect a cookie of each type is the winner! Grandma Cookie is a naughty game from TOMY. Perfect for the whole family. Grandma Cookie is full of excitement and always provides a lot of fun!
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Itemcode: 3680616
Dimension package: 28 x 27 x 12 cm
Suitable for: From 5 years
EAN code: 5425002415464
Price in euros: Excl. VAT and excl. shipping costs
Minimum number of players: 2
Maximum number of players: 4
Brand: Tomy
Material: plastic
Found in the following categories:
  • Warning: Not suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts.