Trixie Stacking Cups Mr. Lion

Dimension package: 25 x 7 x 7 cm
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Higher... Higher... Oops! There they go. These stackable soft silicone cups come in beautiful colors and fun shapes. Some have holes to make them float in a special way, while others are solid so you can fill and pour them. You can also use them as pouring cups - perfect for rinsing your baby's hair.
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Itemcode: 2610402
Dimension package: 25 x 7 x 7 cm
Suitable for: From 6 months
EAN code: 5400858376800
Price in euros: Excl. VAT and excl. shipping costs
Article series: Trixie Mr. Lion
Colour: Yellow
Brand: Trixie
Material: Silicone
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