7 Rounds

Dimension package: 12,2 x 9,6 x 2,3 cm
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In 7 Rounds you collect cards with the highest possible value in 7 rounds. During the game you have four cards in hand and you try to improve your hand by taking new cards from the draw pile, playing cards or perhaps stealing your opponent's best cards. The cards in 7 Rounds have special effects, so you can easily lose your points!
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Itemcode: 2060061
Dimension package: 12,2 x 9,6 x 2,3 cm
Suitable for: From 8 years
EAN code: 8718026305444
Price in euros: Excl. VAT and excl. shipping costs
Toy information: Game explanation
Brand: White Goblin Games
Found in the following categories:
  • Warning: Not suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts.
  • Warning: Contains small parts. Choking hazard.