Magformers Wheels, 2 pcs.

Dimension: packaging 14 x 13 x 6 cm
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At Magformers we know what you need if you like construction toys. Lots of magnetic toys and the right accessories. And sometimes that's even just a few extra wheel sets. Just what you need to build that extra racing car. That's why Magformers has the Wheels Set. 2 axles with 4 wheels that will soon keep things running. So, are you short of wheels to complete your favorite Magformers model? Then you now have the solution! It can be that simple.
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Itemcode: 1250266
Dimension: packaging 14 x 13 x 6 cm
Suitable for: From 3 years
EAN code: 8809134360507
Price in euros: Excl. VAT and excl. shipping costs
Brand: Magformers
Material: Plastic
Found in the following categories:
  • Warning: Not suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts.