The flungle is a fun ball game for outside (possibly inside), that is similar to jeu de boules. The game consists of seven balls of about 5 cm, one of which has a tail. The ball with the tail is thrown with a swinging movement, after which the players (maximum six) must try to throw their ball(s) as close as possible to the ball with the tail. This tail has pieces of about 10 cm with different colors and is used to measure how many points each player has. The closer, the more points. The balls are made of colorful textile and filled with sand. They are soft and look cheerful. Very nice summer game to play with friends or the whole family, and actually very suitable for all seasons and almost all ages. Good for the eye-hand coordination, motor development of young children and sense of direction. Also good to learn to deal with losing a game. Therefore, let younger children throw from closer by, so that they can also win occasionally. Above all, lots of fun and active playing together.