It starts as a tricycle and then becomes a balance bike! This lightweight wooden beginner's tricycle grows perfectly with the child thanks to the height-adjustable seat with three positions for the seat distance! The safe three-wheel configuration with two rear wheels is ideal for beginning riders and when their balance and skills allow it, it can easily be transformed into a classic balance bike! The handlebars with turning radius limiter provide additional safety! All of the children's favorite toys and belongings fit in the handlebar basket. The rubber grips, indestructible EVA Soft tires and the cushioned saddle ensure a lot of riding comfort. From tricycle to two-wheel balance bike! It is the perfect trainer for bicycles without training wheels. Balance bikes and trikes train motor skills, balance and coordination better than any other toy, and on a very individual level! The frame can be put together in two different versions. The combination of natural wood, a modern green color and caramel-colored details make this multifunctional balance bike a real eye-catcher. Features • Wooden 2in1 tricycle and balance bike • Dimensions: approx. 72 x 38 x 45 centimetres • Seat height approx. 25 - 37 cm, weight limit 50 kg, tyre size 10 inch / 25.40 cm • Made of wood, metal and plastic • Suitable from 12 months