How do you hide a lion from grandma?

Dimension item: 19,2 x 17,5 cm
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Lisa has a big secret: a lion lives in her house! When grandma comes to stay, Lisa has to find a good hiding place for the lion. Because grandmothers can sometimes get scared if they find a lion in the house. But grandma also has a secret and Lisa is very curious... Will she find out what grandma has hidden in her enormous suitcase? The heartwarming sequel to How do you hide a lion?
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Itemcode: 1530509
Dimension item: 19,2 x 17,5 cm
Suitable for: From 2 years
EAN code: 9789044759075
Price in euros: Excl. VAT and excl. shipping costs
Brand: Deltas
Theme: Communion and Spring Festival
Material: Cardboard
Number of pages: 32
Year of publication: 2020
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