Bambino Loco Starter Pack (3-5 years)

Dimension item: 26,7 x 16,6 x 2,6 cm
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Look, search and discover. This is the perfect package for toddlers and preschoolers who are starting with Loco! It contains a Loco bambino basic box, two workbooks and a handy brochure with tips.
A child can get started on the varied assignments and placing the blocks in the correct order, either by themselves or with a little help. A child discovers for themselves whether the assignments have been completed correctly by turning the basic box over and checking the pattern on the back.

• Loco bambino basic box
• 2 exercise books
• Loco information brochure

Learning objectives:
• Recognizing and naming colors and shapes
• Stimulating emerging literacy and numeracy
• Recognizing and naming emotions
• Puzzling
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Itemcode: 6506551
Dimension item: 26,7 x 16,6 x 2,6 cm
Suitable for: From 3 years
EAN code: 9789048740277
Price in euros: Excl. VAT and excl. shipping costs
Brand: WPG Publishers
Material: Plastic
Found in the following categories:
  • Warning: Not suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts.