Exercise Book with Stickers - First Counting Games (5-6 years)

Dimension item: 27,5 x 21 cm
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Take the first steps towards arithmetic with this Exercise Book First Counting Games. The assignment book is particularly suitable for children from group 2 (5-6 years). They learn to count up to 10, recognize the number image and become acquainted with the concepts of 'largest' and 'smallest'. In the middle of the Exercise Book First Counting Games are colorful stickers. These can be used to decorate the assignments.
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Itemcode: 1530123
Dimension item: 27,5 x 21 cm
Suitable for: From 5 years
EAN code: 9789044750430
Price in euros: Excl. VAT and excl. shipping costs
Brand: Deltas
Material: Paper
Binding method: Paperback
Number of pages: 36
Publisher: Deltas Central Publisher
Book series: Exercise Book with Stickers
Found in the following categories:
  • Warning: Not suitable for children under 3 years.
  • Warning: Contains small parts. Choking hazard.