My Writing Practice Notebook 6-7 Years

Dimension item: 22 x 19 cm
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You learn to write? How clever!
Then you also know that you have to practice a lot to be able to form beautiful letters.
In this practice notebook you will find all the letters of the alphabet and the numbers. First you go over the dots, then you do it all by yourself. The more you practice, the smoother you will write and the clearer your handwriting will become.
Take your pencil, ballpoint pen or fountain pen and start writing!
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Itemcode: 1540935
Dimension item: 22 x 19 cm
Suitable for: From 6 years
EAN code: 9789044729658
Price in euros: Excl. VAT and excl. shipping costs
Article series: My Exercise Book
Brand: Deltas
Binding method: Paperback
Number of pages: 36 pages
Year of publication: 2011
Publisher: Deltas
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