That's How That Holiday Book Works

Dimension item: 28 x 19 x 1 cm
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That Holiday Book is packed with puzzles, comics, jokes, quizzes and bizarre facts! About Zo Zit Dat Every four weeks a new Zo Zit Dat is published, packed with facts, animals, tech, science, nature, games and comics. Short brain snacks alternate with large photos, beautiful articles, quizzes and comics where the joke is central, but the reader always learns something. Zo Zit Dat is a great, cheerful and safe journey of discovery for your child.
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Itemcode: 1561098
Dimension item: 28 x 19 x 1 cm
Suitable for: From 6 years
EAN code: 9789463056151
Price in euros: Excl. VAT and excl. shipping costs
Colour: Multi colors
Brand: Book Specials Netherlands BV
Material: Paper
Found in the following categories:
  • Warning: Not suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts.