Golden Horses: The Fire of Bajka

Dimension item: 22 x 15 cm
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The unique thing about the Golden Horse series is that the books are written from the horse's perspective. This is precisely why Christine Linneweever knows how to captivate and move her readers: everyone who loves horses naturally wants to know what goes on in the mind of such an animal!

Bajka was born in Poland on a stud farm with racehorses. She always trains with them and is often the fastest. However, she is not allowed to participate in horse races because she is not a real thoroughbred. When her owner goes to study, Bajka is sold to the Netherlands. After a terrible journey, she quickly finds a sweet new owner, Julia. But she soon notices that life here is very different from the racecourse in Poland. You cannot gallop endlessly here and Julia gets scared when Bajka wants to stretch her legs. Julia and Bajka both become unhappy. Can Julia find a way to channel all of Bajka's energy?
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Itemcode: 6500607
Dimension item: 22 x 15 cm
EAN code: 9789020622300
Price in euros: Excl. VAT and excl. shipping costs
Brand: Publisher Kluitman
Author: Christine Linneweever
Illustrator: George Schiemer
Binding method: Hardcover
Year of publication: 2016
Publisher: Publisher Kluitman
Book series: Golden Horses
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