STABILO woody 3 in 1 - Multitalented Colored Pencil - Set 18 Pcs. + Pencil Sharpener

Dimension package: 36 x 16,7 x 3,3 cm
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A multi talent!

The woody 3 in 1 is a colour pencil, wax crayon and watercolour pencil in one and colours on various surfaces and backgrounds. In short: a real all-rounder!

· Coloured pencil, wax crayon and watercolour pencil in one
· Extra thick core of Ø 10 mm
· Fully mixable with water
· The tip gives off eight times more colour than a normal coloured pencil
· The thick tip allows large areas to be coloured in quickly
· The shape of the woody 3 in 1 is perfect for children's hands
· Also very suitable for hobbyists and professional drawers or artists
· Various special effects can be achieved using a hair dryer, frottage technique or scraping technique
· The thick core is unbreakable
· Particularly good coverage, even on dark colours and surfaces
· Available in 18 colours

With the STABILO woody 3 in 1 you can colour on paper or cardboard as well as on smooth surfaces such as windows, plastic, wellies, lunch boxes, leather and stone. Even covers black surfaces. With a brush and water you can create beautiful works of art. The woody 3 in 1 can be easily removed from hard, non-porous, smooth surfaces, such as windows.

The 18-piece case contains the following colours: 100 white, 205 yellow, 220 orange, 310 red, 355 apricot, 370 lilac, 405 ultramarine, 533 green, 630 brown, 750 black, 805 silver, 810 gold + 6 pastel colours: 201 pastel yellow, 301 pastel red, 302 pastel pink, 303 pastel lilac, 402 pastel blue and 503 pastel green. Includes pencil sharpener and brush.
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Itemcode: 4210431
Dimension package: 36 x 16,7 x 3,3 cm
Suitable for: From 3 years
EAN code: 4006381582971
Price in euros: Excl. VAT and excl. shipping costs
Brand: Stabilo
Material: Plastic
Found in the following categories:
  • Warning: Not suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts.