Starter Hobbyset Kumihimo

Dimension package: 33 x 19 x 5 cm
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With this kit you will learn the Japanese braiding technique Kumihimo. Includes all the materials and instructions you need. If you want to learn how to braid with the ancient Japanese Kumihimo technique, our starter hobby kit is perfect for you. The kit contains everything you need to get started. Scanning the QR code on the box will take you directly to our online learning page. Here are videos that guide you through the braiding technique so that you can then make the most beautiful bracelets or mini key rings yourself. Contents: Weaving board, macramé cord, pendants, beads, key rings, clasps
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Itemcode: 6023069
Dimension package: 33 x 19 x 5 cm
EAN code: 5712854625890
Price in euros: Excl. VAT and excl. shipping costs
Colour: Multi colors
Brand: Creative Company
Material: Textile
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