Colorations - White Chenille Wire, 100pcs.

Dimension package: 35 x 20 x 12 cm
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Create hundreds of bendable creations with these black, fluffy pipe cleaners! This large pack from Colorations is a great resource for a variety of classroom art projects.

Contents: Pack of 100 white pipe cleaners. Soft and fluffy, each stem is 12" long and 1/8" in diameter.

• Explore and create a variety of shapes
• Expand creativity and develop art skills
• Use to create flowers, butterflies, and many imaginary shapes
• Perfect for building STEM and STEAM creations
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Itemcode: 6040409
Dimension package: 35 x 20 x 12 cm
Suitable for: From 3 years
EAN code: 5710903623965
Price in euros: Excl. VAT and excl. shipping costs
Colour: White
Brand: Colorations
Material: Acrylic
Found in the following categories:
  • Warning: Not suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts.