Plastic Snow Globe 8.5 x 8 cm

Dimension item: 8,5 x 8 cm
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Make your own beautiful snow globe with this transparent plastic ball with white plastic lid that is completely waterproof. Personalize your snow globe by gluing decorations to the bottom and filling the globe with water and, for example, glitter or artificial snow. Make small figures or decorations that can be immersed in water, such as shrink film, laminated photos, Fimo and Cernit figures, iron-on beads and so on. Stick the decorations to the bottom of the lid with a waterproof glue. Then fill the ball with water and glitter or artificial snow. For best results, fill the snow globe about 1/2 inch from the edge, depending on the density of the decoration. Then screw on the lid. You can also decorate the lid, for example with masking tape.
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Itemcode: 6022157
Dimension item: 8,5 x 8 cm
Dimension package: 8 x 8 x 8 cm
EAN code: 5712854453189
Price in euros: Excl. VAT and excl. shipping costs
Colour: Transparent
Brand: Creative Company
Theme: Christmas
Material: plastic
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