What an adventure! The wire-haired dachshund is looking forward to spending the night with Hannah. The two want to sleep in the stable tonight. That's why Hannah has packed her backpack with everything she needs: a sleeping bag for herself, a dog basket for the dog and even a cuddly horse. Of course, the flashlight is also a must. The wire-haired dachshund wags his tail happily. Today he has an adventure: an overnight stay with Hannah! The girl has already made herself comfortable in the hay, taken off her cowboy hat and rolled out her sleeping bag. She has packed a dog basket for her faithful four-legged friend. She even thought of the cuddly horse! It is already dark. What is that cracking sound? The wire-haired dachshund growls. Hannah is wide awake. She quickly takes the flashlight out of her backpack and shines it through the stable. Nothing. It was probably just the wind that shook the beams. How exciting!