Jumbo Electro Traffic Education Game

Dimension item: 39 x 27 x 6 cm
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This educational game teaches children the rules and correct behavior in the field of road safety. An easy and fun way to teach them the basics of how to behave where they live, whether that's a city or a village.How does it work?1. Electro is played in the box. Choose one card and place it in the box. Make sure the holes in the card line up exactly with the black dots in the box. Read the assignment on the card.2. Find the correct answer for each question. Select a question by touching one of the black dots with the tip of a pen.3. Now find the correct answer. Found it? Touch the black answer dot with the tip of the other pen.4. If the answer is correct, the light will come on. Don't you see the light on? Then try again! 
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Itemcode: 2051586
Dimension item: 39 x 27 x 6 cm
Dimension package: 39 x 27 x 6 cm
Suitable for: From 4 years
EAN code: 8710126021682
Price in euros: Excl. VAT and excl. shipping costs
Colour: Multi colors
Minimum number of players: 2
Material: Cardboard
Found in the following categories:
  • Warning: Not suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts.