The children name the photos on the cards. They always look for 2 words that together, one after the other, form a new word (compound words).
• 60 cards: front photo, back colour code
Words in this game: birdhouse, seal, snowman, garden hose, refrigerator, diving goggles, toothbrush, flashlight, zebra crossing, raincoat, glove, roof tile, bicycle bell, treasure chest, garden chair, diving board, sandbox, hay wagon, bunch of keys and cookie jar
Target group
For 1-4 children, from 4 years
Purpose of the game
The children name the photos on the cards. They always look for 2 words that together, one after the other, form a new word (compound words).
Developmental goals
• Language development, word treasure
- Expanding productive vocabulary
- Expanding the meaning of different words
• Language development, phonemic awareness
- Participating in word games