I learn Letters and Words

Dimension package: 22 x 22 x 5 cm
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I learn Letters and Words.

Discovering letters and words makes children curious about more.
I learn Letters and Words challenges them again and again.

Learn to spell and read early with no fewer than 4 fun word games. Suitable for the very youngest!

LETTER PLAY – Learn the letters and write simple words step by step.
Look at the pictures and put the words on the boards.
There are three levels: from the very beginning to slightly more difficult.

ABC – Learn the alphabet and put the letters in the correct order.

WORD COMPETITION– Write as many words as possible with 10 letter tokens in 2 minutes.
You score one point for each letter used and the player with the most points wins.

PIP! – The players take letters from the bag and try to form words of 3 letters or longer as quickly as possible.
Whoever is fastest shouts: “PIP!” Who was the first to create 3 words?

Preschool learning the Finnish way: That must be good!
Finland is world famous for its excellent education and great board games.
At Tactic/Selecta we have a series ‘I learn’ games, where we have combined the high quality of board games and top education.

The I'm learning games were developed together with Finnish teachers.
They stimulate your child's cognitive, physical and emotional skills.
Take the first important steps on a lifelong path of education and training!

All Tactic/Selecta games are safe, sustainable, ecologically responsible and of high quality.
They are made in our factory in Finland from recycled materials.

- 8 double-sided printed game boards
- 99 letter tokens
- 11 spare tokens
- 1 fabric bag
- Game rules.
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Itemcode: 1410791
Dimension package: 22 x 22 x 5 cm
Suitable for: From 4 years
EAN code: 6416739583310
Price in euros: Excl. VAT and excl. shipping costs
Minimum number of players: 1
Brand: Tactic
Material: Cardboard
Found in the following categories:
  • Warning: Not suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts.