iKNOW New Edition Board Game

Dimension item: 22 x 22 x 8 cm
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An intelligent new board game that combines knowledge and tactics, iKNOW appeals to both.

You score points with your knowledge, estimate the knowledge of your friends correctly and you score extra points.
Do both and you win iKNOW.

iKNOW offers more than just questions and answers.
An 'ordinary' quiz game is taken to a higher level by the intelligent gameplay of iKNOW.

iKNOW contains 1600 questions in four fascinating categories and 4800 clues, which guide you step by step to the correct answer.

Tension, tactics and knowledge - iKNOW

- 400 tickets
- Game board
- 6 iKNOW pawns
- 6 iBET pawns
- Category sheet
- Chips (25 x white / 25 x black)
- Game rules
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Itemcode: 1411057
Dimension item: 22 x 22 x 8 cm
Dimension package: 22 x 22 x 8 cm
Suitable for: From 15 years
EAN code: 6416739586403
Price in euros: Excl. VAT and excl. shipping costs
Minimum number of players: 2
Maximum number of players: 2
Brand: Tactic
Material: Cardboard
Game duration: 45
Found in the following categories:
  • Warning: Not suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts.