999 Games Beaver Clan

Dimension package: 12,3 x 9,7 x 2 cm
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Wild card exchange for young and old.

Each player has his own beaver castle. During the game he tries to get cards with high numbers into his castle. But low numbers are also important, because equal numbers earn bonus points. In addition, it is not easy to keep high number cards. Cards are exchanged quickly, so that no card is where it once was.

After the first player has placed five number cards in his beaver castle, the current round is completed. After the wild card exchange, each player counts the points in his own beaver castle. The player who has the most points after a few rounds wins the game.

Exciting combination of tactics and memory! Can also be combined with Beverbende.


- 66 playing cards
- 6 beaver lodges
- The gamerules
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Itemcode: 2030359
Dimension package: 12,3 x 9,7 x 2 cm
Suitable for: From 7 years
EAN code: 8719214425586
Price in euros: Excl. VAT and excl. shipping costs
Toy information: Game explanation
Minimum number of players: 2
Maximum number of players: 6
Brand: 999 Games
Material: Cardboard
Game duration: 20 minutes
Found in the following categories:
  • Warning: Not suitable for children under 3 years.
  • Warning: Contains small parts. Choking hazard.