999 Games Catan - The Fast Card Game

Dimension package: 12 x 10 x 2,3 cm
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Easy card game for 2-4 players aged 8 and over, based on Catan. Build streets, villages, towns and city expansions, and deploy knights. Trade with each other or with the market and the face down pile. But be careful: streets and knights can easily be lost if you do not protect them properly. This card game is not an expansion to Catan, but a completely separate edition. A game takes about 30 minutes.
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Itemcode: 2030381
Dimension package: 12 x 10 x 2,3 cm
Suitable for: From 8 years
EAN code: 8717249194347
Price in euros: Excl. VAT and excl. shipping costs
Article series: Settlers of Catan
Brand: 999 Games
Material: Paper
Found in the following categories:
  • Warning: Not suitable for children under 3 years.
  • Warning: Contains small parts. Choking hazard.