999 Games Machiavelli Card Game

Dimension package: 22,8 x 15 x 5,08 cm
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A beautiful city, with you as ruler! You have big plans. Your city will be the most beautiful, largest and most magical city ever! But you are not the only one with ambitions. Intrigues run rampant and none of your opponents can really be trusted. That's why you bring in characters such as the King, the Murderess or the Merchant. Each turn, one of the characters will work for you and perform special actions. But who chooses which characters? And how do you outsmart everyone? In Machiavelli you have to build buildings by paying with coins. The more expensive the building, the more points it will earn at the end of the game. To help you, you can choose from different characters at the start of a round. For example, the King always lets you choose a character first, the Murderess eliminates other characters and the Merchant ensures that you get extra money. After each round, the characters are redistributed, so that another player can become King, for example. Machiavelli has been a popular game for years thanks to the strong interaction between players. Anyone who intelligently estimates who chooses which characters can manipulate the entire game. Although you only use eight characters per game, this edition contains no fewer than 27 different characters. So you can vary widely! NB: This edition of Machiavelli is an updated version of Machiavelli De Luxe, with the same number of character cards and extras but without the 15 circus themed action cards. Game features • From 10 years • 2 to 8 players • Game duration approx. 30 minutes
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Itemcode: 2030474
Dimension package: 22,8 x 15 x 5,08 cm
Suitable for: From 10 years
EAN code: 8720289474003
Price in euros: Excl. VAT and excl. shipping costs
Colour: Multi colors
Minimum number of players: 2
Maximum number of players: 8
Brand: 999 Games
Material: Cardboard
Game duration: 30 Minutes
Found in the following categories:
  • Warning: Not suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts.