Colored Oil Drum with Slime

Dimension package: Ø 4 x 4,5 cm
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Have fun sliding and messing around with this Colored Oil Drum with Slime! Open the lid, spread your hand and slide the slime onto it. That feels nice and cold, smooth and slimy! Have fun sliding with this Colored Oil Drum with Slime!
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Itemcode: 1210379
Dimension package: Ø 4 x 4,5 cm
Suitable for: From 3 years
EAN code: 5413247094476
Price in euros: Excl. VAT and excl. shipping costs
Brand: LG Imports
Material: Slime
Found in the following categories:
  • Warning: Not suitable for children under 3 years.
  • Warning: Contains small parts. Choking hazard.