Mexican Train Domino Game

Dimension package: 21 x 21 x 5 cm
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One of the most played domino variants in the world: Mexican Train.
Each player tries to build a row of dominoes from the center. You can also join the shared queue, which is the Mexican Train. The game has high quality dominoes and fun train pawns. The most popular domino game in the world! The set consists of 91 colored double dominoes, train station center piece, 8 marker trains, game rules and comes in a beautiful tin box.
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Itemcode: 1410472
Dimension package: 21 x 21 x 5 cm
Suitable for: From 7 years
EAN code: 6416739540054
Price in euros: Excl. VAT and excl. shipping costs
Minimum number of players: 2
Maximum number of players: 8
Brand: Tactic
Material: Plastic
Game duration: 30 minutes
Found in the following categories:
  • Warning: Not suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts.