Starter Hobbyset Batik

Dimension package: 32 x 19 x 5 cm
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Learn to tie-dye with this set. Includes all the materials and instructions you need. If you want to learn tie-dye, our learning pack is perfect. It contains almost everything you need to get started. In addition to the set, you will need 1 kg of fine household salt. Scan the QR code and enter our learning universe full of videos that can help you. You will learn various basic elements and batik techniques and ultimately have six beautiful tea towels. Contents: Tea towels, batik paint, fixing salt; elastic, cord, clothespins, popsicle sticks, disposable gloves
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Itemcode: 6023181
Dimension package: 32 x 19 x 5 cm
EAN code: 5712854587051
Price in euros: Excl. VAT and excl. shipping costs
Colour: Multi colors
Brand: Creative Company
Material: Textile
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